So I wrote a book...why should you care?



 Hello Earth savers,

So, as I sit here, 5 years since my first book came out, knee deep in submission emails I'm sending out for my next one, I think, why should you be at all interested in what I've written? Well really it's beacuse it's novel (as well as a novel), it's niche, and it's fun.

Some environmental writing can be doom and gloom, I get it, I'm an Environment Student I understand. That's why I think my book is for you. It's about environment, it follows a 200 year long butterfly effect into the response of nature to long term pollution...but, it also is a fictional adventure.

Kayla Stevenson was 14 when she was chosen by her community to embark on a journey to find a way to prevent acid rain killing off her town. She takes to it with her two best friends and together they travel the cities to find a hidden artefact which might help them.

Cut to 200 years before in 1875 and Lizzie has run away, the police on her heels, for daring to be an orphan who can read and write. She's determined to survive, learn, and maybe work out how she got into the orphanage in the first place, since she has no memory before ending up there. As she travels the same journey Kayla will travel hundreds of years later, she witnesses the events that lead to Kayla's predicement.

In between the two timelines you'll find Lily. A young protester who just wants her cities inhabitants to take sustainability a little more seriously. Living secretly in enemy territory so she can change the system from within, she must always keep one eye over her shoulder whilst the other looks to the future she's trying to protect. She's got to play the game exactly right, to save the family she's already watched be exiled for doing what she's trying to do.

So there, that's my book, or the bare bones of it.
