Environmental Forum


 Hi All! It's been a while, but I'm back with a new feature (which as you can tell I totally had a name ready for...) If you've seen me on LinkedIn or Instagram (@ani.talwar and @mischief.weavers respectively) you may have seen that I recently became Carbon Literacy Certified. One of the ways to obtain this was to make an individual and group pledge to help out with the environment. My personal pledge was to eat seasonal food which I did stringently whilst at university (see previous blogs), but my group pledge was an open forum where people could comment or ask about things they have trouble achieving environment wise and either I or members of the public could respond with their tips and tricks to foster an environmentally conscious and beneficial community. 

So that's what this is! I'll leave this page up (as soon as I can work out how making websites work...hopefully when you read this, the page is up and working properly hahah), and feel free to comment or suggest any problems or tips so we can help eachother out.

From your friendly neighbourhood Mischief Weaver,

Ani. :)
